Analytical Data Platform for an E-Commerce Solution – Amazon Web Services

Leading Bank in South Africa

Business Challenge​

Our client, a leading South African bank, wanted to expand their services by launching an e-commerce application for third party merchants to be able to offer their products and services. The new e-commerce service was to provide analytical insights in order to improve customer experience, create purchase recommendations, support targeted marketing campaigns, and provide a singular data environment for ad hoc analyses.


Our Approach​

Amazon Web Services was selected as the most advanced e-commerce cloud platform with its wide range of analytical capabilities. We designed an analytical data platform, implemented the best practices in areas of cloud architecture, data streaming, ETL development, data governance and lineage. A data platform was architected to support both streaming and batch-oriented data ingestion.



In the first phase, the data and analytical platform was developed, enabling the MVP phase of the e-commerce app, supporting several use cases that depend on data processing. In the second phase, the data ingestion process was streamlined, and new analytics use cases were supported.